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Wollongong Illawarra Roller Derby?

Wollongong Illawarra Roller Derby was founded in January 2009 to fill a monstorous gap in the local culture of the beachside industrial city of Wollongong on the South Coast of NSW, Australia.

Making a derby legue from scratch, with no local rink, was mildly tricky, but Wollongong really wanted DERBY and we are rolling on towards our first bouts!

Roller derby is DIY - by the skaters, for the skaters - so use anything you need from here to kick your own league into action!

Want to know more?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Shelby Unkonshus - new Freshie contact

Shelby Unkonshus has decided to cash in on her extreme love for all things roller derby and has taken on the mantle of WIRD Freshmeat Coordinator. She will fielding all your excited enquiries at her brand sparkling new email: