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Wollongong Illawarra Roller Derby?

Wollongong Illawarra Roller Derby was founded in January 2009 to fill a monstorous gap in the local culture of the beachside industrial city of Wollongong on the South Coast of NSW, Australia.

Making a derby legue from scratch, with no local rink, was mildly tricky, but Wollongong really wanted DERBY and we are rolling on towards our first bouts!

Roller derby is DIY - by the skaters, for the skaters - so use anything you need from here to kick your own league into action!

Want to know more?

Friday, September 4, 2009

WIRD Promo Video September 2009

Tricks to an amazingly successful WIRD Trivia Night 2009

WIRD Trivia 2009 was such a success that we are already discussing it as an annual event. All up we made just about $2000 profit, all of which will be getting funneled back into the league! We were all a bit freaked out in the lead-up but the night went awesome and I'm gonna share some of our tips with you.

As you can see, the first job was getting all those names on that Supporter's board! There was a lot of trawling, begging and cajoling for prizes, which we did pretty much before anything else. A fair chunk of the major supporters already knew one of us, but we still did a lot of chasing. Everyone in the league had a go at this job.

Getting set up took about 2 1/2 hours. One of our girls runs a decorating business so she jumped in and handled the decorations (with much help from some vollies). She had all the fabric bits and whatnot and just went at the place. Hot!

Our merch and baked goods table was a great success. The shirts, socks and stickers had all been whipped up over the few months before and the cakes took days of sweatshop labour (thanks Shelby!!).

Thankfully we also had a brilliant vollie step up to the technical challenge. Curly also schmoozed us together a promo video which will go up here soon. Technically, the night went off without a hitch. Even the drink being spilled on the mic cables while I stood there holding both mics went off without a hitch (cos of the cables being taped to the floor. Yay for guys with gaff tape.

As you can see, we had a pretty full house. We'd been a bit worried that WIRD girls would be bored but there was plenty to do for everyone all night!

Besides the cover charge, merch table and raffle, we tried out a couple of innovative money spinners which really seemed to work. Below is our paper plane comp ($1 per sheet of plane paper) which ran into several rounds. We also had an arm wrestling comp (which will be much more organised next time!), a roll your gold coin to the bottle of booze game, and a vase full of water with a lemon floating in it - if you could float a coin on top then WIRD would buy you a drink (WIRD brought no drinks!)

All in all it was a giant success and we are all looking forward to next year!

Like usual, if you'd like more detailed ideas or outlines of anything, feel free to drop me a line at